Catalyst Development Co., LLC
Warner Building at 180 Water St.
Kalamazoo, MI // 275,000 sq. ft.
TowerPinkster worked with Catalyst Development on the newly completed 180 Water Street building located downtown Kalamazoo across from the popular gathering place, Arcadia Creek Festival Place. This project boasts a 275,000 SF redevelopment of approximately 1.4 acres of surface parking and reactivates the downtown site and outdoor environment. The project aimed to revitalize and densify the urban core, by building common health, wellness, outdoor, and collaboration spaces.
With over 300 parking ramp spaces, the site added 120 new spaces to an area that has been growing and needed the added parking capacity. 180 Water Street holds 45 residential units in stepped market rates in an effort to address the needs of the downtown workforce. The design of the units included balconies and abundant daylighting, as well as interior common laundry and bike storage with a self-repair station. 66,000 SF of the facility are Class A office spaces for tenants focused on transforming our community. Tenants include Southwest Michigan First, Kalamazoo Promise Institute, Warner Norcross + Judd, and the Stryker Johnson Foundation.