Corewell Health
Kitchen and Servery Renovation
Grand Rapids, Michigan // 19,700 sq. ft.
Corewell Health was in need of complete kitchen and servery renovations to accommodate a new “on-demand” meal service program, in addition to significant growth in meal volumes. Improved function, operation, and a refreshed character and feel of the facilities were also needed.
The overall project area consists of four major spaces; the production kitchen, retail servery (staff and visitor meals), the seating area, and support spaces (office, staff, and storage spaces). Prior to design efforts, the design team took time to shadow/observe the existing operations to understand the flow and function of space along with thorough discussion and coordination with the food service consultant regarding new circulation and operational patterns.
TowerPinkster approached this project in a way that would avoid disruption of services since the kitchen and servery were the sources of patient and visitor meals on the Blodgett campus. Therefore, a phased approach was planned. To effectively communicate design ideas, layout, and finish selections, our team developed a 3D model of the entire space (walls, MEP infrastructure, existing hood to remain, vertical penetrations, etc.) to allow for a complete understanding of the space.