Grand Action Committee
Grand Rapids Civic Theatre
Grand Rapids, Michigan // 105,000 sq. ft.
The 1920s vintage theatre’s lobbies were cramped, had limited patron access, and had outdated building systems. The client’s goal was to visually connect to the revitalization in the city; resolve complex life safety, maintenance, and functional issues; and celebrate the vibrancy of the Civic Theatre to raise awareness of this valuable resource. The TowerPinkster design team of historic preservation, sound, and lighting experts, collaborated to revive the theatre’s original grandeur while organizing the space for greater efficiency and accessibility. The entire complex of five buildings was studied with regard to visitor approach, circulation, location of amenities, as well as performance and staff/volunteer spaces. As a result of the study, the lobby space was reconfigured and increased to enhance circulation and improve wayfinding and barrier-free access to amenities. Rehearsal spaces, which also can double for event spaces, were added to provide the Theatre with opportunities for additional funding and community exposure.