Kellogg Community College
Student Service Center
Kalamazoo, Michigan // 29,726 sq. ft.
Although located in the heart of campus, Kellogg Community College’s Student Services building was underutilized by students and staff. The space lacked on-campus presence and was not user-friendly in accessing services.
TowerPinkster worked with user groups and stakeholders to gather input for reconfiguring the building to better serve students and staff. A new glass entry was also designed to create a greater prominence on campus as the original entry was nondescript. This new entry provides more natural light, deeper into the building, which creates a more welcoming and open environment.
The renovated building also features a “One Stop Center” which contains academic advising, admissions, registration, and financial aid, all in one location. Other amenities offered in the building include counseling, career services, an open cafeteria, a dining area, and various spaces for study. Upon entry, students also have immediate access to an Information Desk to assist in locating various services. Additionally, the use of flooring and ceiling patterns helps with wayfinding.
The expansion and renovation of the Student Services building revive its existing location in the heart of campus. It also provides students with a new place to gather as well as improved access to a variety of resources needed for a successful college experience.