City of Marshall
Ketchum Park Master Plan
Marshall, Michigan // 1,089,000 sq. ft.
With a rich 60-year history in Marshall, Michigan, Ketchum Park had developed into a diverse recreational area for residents and visitors. The Park’s 25 acres encompass abundant features, ranging from passive natural areas and trails along Rice Creek to adjoining wetlands and more active areas such as playgrounds and skate and disc golf areas. Over the years, disjointed improvements had been steadily added to the park: picnic pavilions, bridges, a skate park, and a playground, as well as enhancements to Rice Creek, tree plantings, habitat improvements, trail developments, and a new eight-hole disk golf course. As the park continued to evolve, a master plan was needed to guide the Park’s development.
The master plan outlined recommendations for improvements, illustrated concepts of connectivity within the Park, and provided cost estimates for phased implementation strategies. Prior to developing a master plan, the TowerPinkster team worked to explore and understand the preliminary improvement plan developed by the Ketchum Park Advisory Committee (KPAC) and the City of Marshall. Priorities identified in public sessions, lead by our team, were also reviewed and considered: pedestrian and vehicular circulation, large and small gathering spaces, nature trails, wayfinding and interpretation, stormwater management, and overall landscaping beautification and green space enhancements.
The final master plan document presented sustainable recreation opportunities and interpretative resources to showcase the area’s cultural and industrial history while fostering an appreciation for environmental stewardship. A future long-range design plan outlined recommendations for the existing park scape, starting with desired elements from the Phase One Improvement List. The plan ensures future developments are created serving the values of Ketchum Park’s community vision.