Muskegon County
Community Mental Health Building Addition
Muskegon, Michigan // 61,500 sq. ft.
Muskegon County’s Community Mental Health Department was located in multiple office spaces throughout the City of Muskegon, resulting in inefficient operations.
TowerPinkster completed a Master Plan Study that addressed the needs of the county-wide Mental Health system. Results identified the need to build a new facility that would consolidate all of the departments into a single building. A vacant property adjacent to the Community Mental Health’s existing main facility was purchased by the County in order to expand operations into a single location.
The new facility totals 58,000 square feet, which is a 10,000-square-foot reduction of total existing department spaces. The design of the new addition creates one central reception area, incorporating both the new and existing buildings. It also separates the public spaces from the administrative areas of the facility. Wayfinding was also a challenge, which TowerPinkster was able to creatively solve by designing open, transparent spaces, and providing visual direction to services.