State of Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency
Michigan Veterans Home at Grand Rapids
Grand Rapids, Michigan // 152,800 SF sq. ft.
The State of Michigan and the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency worked with TowerPinkster and senior living design consultant, SFCS, to design two new State Veterans Homes developments based on the USDVA Community Living Center (CLC) Guidelines. One facility was completed in Grand Rapids and one near Detroit. These sites are the first phase in a multi-facility bed replacement effort for the State of Michigan’s existing certified beds currently located in Grand Rapids and Marquette.
The homes were designed to adapt the prototypical design principles we developed for both Southeast Michigan and Grand Rapids sites and are based on the federal VA Small House Design Guide published in January 2017. The design embraces the concept of “Resident Centered Care” which provides all residents with private rooms and bathrooms in a home-like environment. Resident rooms are arranged in 16-room households, houses are paired into 32 resident neighborhoods. Each household may function independently but shares functions such as the multi-purpose room, staff breakroom, and garage/ receiving area, which are arranged in a Neighborhood Center connecting the pair of homes. Each Neighborhood Center is connected to the central Community Center via enclosed connector walkways.
Both the Grand Rapids and Detroit homes provide a safe and welcoming environment for veterans in a neighborhood-like setting. Residents receive the care and services they need while affording them the community and privacy they deserve.