Newaygo Public Schools
Velma Matson Elementary School
Newaygo, Michigan // 88,000 sq. ft.
Client Challenge
Newaygo’s Elementary programs were split between two old, decaying buildings. With the passage of a $22 million bond vote, the community agreed to demolish the lower elementary building and renovate the Velma Matson Elementary building to hold the entire elementary program.
TowerPinkster Solution
TowerPinkster performed a districtwide facility assessment, which allowed the district to conclude that the best possible outcome for the elementary program would be to demolish the lower elementary building and renovate and expand the upper elementary, Velma Matson building, to house the entire program.
Our team held multiple community forums where valuable input was gained from the community, staff, and parents. This input was used to program the facility around appropriate teaching strategies and curriculum delivery.
The outcome is optimized learning spaces that use creative strategies for useful space while minimizing inefficient building areas. Safe building techniques were implemented to control access to and from the facility throughout the day. Technology-rich learning centers compliment modern teaching styles and student learning opportunities.