West Shore Community College
Arts and Science Center
Scottville, Michigan // 64,200 sq. ft.
West Shore Community College’s Arts program lacked space, and classrooms and faculty offices were also scattered throughout campus. TowerPinkster designed an expansion and remodel of the Arts and Sciences Center to unify the program into a single location, providing both new and renovated classroom and lecture space, as well as expanded faculty offices and conference capabilities.
The former campus library (now located in the LEED-Certified Student Center which was designed by TowerPinkster) houses large art studios and features an adjacent gallery to display student work – also visible to theatre patrons. The existing theater was renovated to serve dual functions as a performing arts space, as well as a 60-seat tiered lecture hall. Acoustics, lighting, and audio-visual systems were updated to accommodate multiple purposes. Adjacent to the theatre, new music rooms with higher volume spaces to enhance acoustics were added along with a separate piano lab and practice rooms.