TowerPinkster Team Raises Record Amount For Holiday Giving Challenge
Each holiday season, our 200+ person team unites for a spirited and friendly giving competition in support of charitable causes within our communities. This year, I am proud to share that our teams raised a record $27,000 across our office locations! Combined with a company match, the TowerPinkster team will donate more than $30,000 this holiday season to support the missions of important community organizations.
Witnessing our team’s remarkable generosity never fails to inspire me, and this year’s achievement is truly exceptional. It’s a milestone that affirms our ongoing commitment to giving back to our communities.
Whether we’re giving financial donations, sharing our expertise, or volunteering our time, or donating supplies, giving back has always been a priority for TowerPinkster and our team members. The firm’s Community Volunteering Committee, one of six internal committees focused on various initiatives, works throughout the year to coordinate volunteer opportunities and organize our annual holiday giving drive. This year, three groups were chosen near our Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, and New Albany offices. These included the YWCA in Grand Rapids, Open Door Youth Services in New Albany, and the ARK Shelter in Kalamazoo.
Congratulations to all of our office locations and a huge thank you to every team member who volunteered their time or gave a gift of money this year. We appreciate your hard work and commitment to giving back throughout the year, especially during the holiday season.
From all of us at TowerPinkster, Happy Holidays!