TowerPinkster’s Mid-Year Donation Supports Special Olympics of Michigan and Indiana
Each year, TowerPinkster’s Community Volunteering Committee organizes a giving campaign across the entire firm. The campaign raises money for local non-profits via a friendly competition among departments. In celebration of this year’s Summer Olympics, our mid-year giving challenge was done in support of the Special Olympics of Michigan and Indiana.
Working together, team members raised an impressive $6,953 across our office locations! Combined with a company match, the TowerPinkster team donated more than $8,453 to support the Special Olympics’ mission of fostering inclusion and acceptance of all people. The winning teams had the honor of presenting the donations directly to each local Special Olympics organization. They also learned more about their work in our communities and how these donations help the organization achieve its goals.
TowerPinkster is committed to giving back our time, talent, and resources. The Community Volunteering Committee helps our team strengthen our commitment to our communities by providing opportunities to leverage our charitable service.

**Not pictured: TowerPinkster’s New Albany office raised $1,430 for the Special Olympics of Indiana.**